Shipping & Returns
Europe (5-7 working days) - €24
Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia*, Finland, France, Germany, Greece*, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia*, Liechtenstein, Lithuania*, Malta*, Netherlands, Romania*, San Marino*, Slovenia, Spain*, Turkey*, Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, Cyprus*, Switzerland
Norway* (5-7 working days) - €89
Asia (5-10 working days) - €89
Georgia*, Jordan*, Kuwait, Lebanon*, Qatar, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Japan, Saudi Arabia*, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, India, Nepal*, Sri Lanka*, Vietnam*, Brunei
We are currently unable to ship Fragrance (including Fragrance Discovery Gifts and Fragrance Paintbrushes) and Bath Cologne to countries marked with an asterisk (*), only Candles and Bath & Body products. We are only able to ship Candles & Diffusers to Spain.
We do not ship to China, South Korea, Australia or New Zealand. Please see our locations page for information on retailers in these countries.
Please note that your order will be leaving the UK and may be subject to customs duties. These costs are outside of our control and will need to be paid by the customer once the order arrives in customs. If the order is subject to customs duties, the Customs Authorities will contact you to request any additional information they might need and payment. Unfortunately, we are not able to advise on the cost of duties; customers can check with Customs Authorities in the relevant country.
Please note that customers shipping to Spain, Portugal or Italy will need to provide their TAX ID number in order for customs to allow the shipment to enter the Country.

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An additional 25€ gifted from us
Jo Loves E-Gift Card (75€)
Banish the panic and shop smarter last-minute with a Jo Loves E-Gift Card. More creative than click and collect; it’s a sure-fire hit. When you order a 75€ E-Gift Card we will top up the value to 100€.
*Offer valid from 20/12/2024 to 24/12/2024. Our Gift Cards are virtual and will be delivered via e-mail.

An additional 25€ gifted from us